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Sophie Digard | Chunky Flower Chain Necklace | Fleur 4 Petales | Velour + Crochet Sophie Digard | Chunky Flower Chain Necklace | Fleur 4 Petales | Velour + Crochet *** SD-CF4PV/M/MR-GRO
$229.00 $229.00

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Sub-Total: $229.00
Total: $229.00

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Cosi Fan Tutte is a sanctuary of sensory bliss that lifts the spirit, touches the soul & inspires you to embrace your creative destiny - to live your dream. Cosi Fan Tutte is an emporium of beautiful objects from all over the world, an ever-changing collage of ideas, textures and colours - effervescent and flighty. Cosi Fan Tutte is a sumptuous array of delights - evoking the wistful sense of an exquisite existence. Cosi Fan Tutte - an operatic confection of surpassing beauty. Cosi Fan Tutte - every woman’s tempting dream.